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couple watching cardinal in window bird feeder

Tips and Tricks

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This information will help you optimize your ClearView experience!


Tip: Before attaching your ClearView Deluxe window bird feeder, clean your window with glass cleaner (Windex or similar). This is critical for the suction cups to properly adhere to your window.

suction cups for window bird feeder

Insert the Performance Ring® suction cups in the holes at the back of the feeder(rotate the cup to squeeze it into place) and then press firmly to your window to remove any air behind the cups.

TIP: Position the suction cups “tabs” facing outward, it makes it easier to remove the frame from your window for easy cleaning.

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TRICK: For a tighter hold, use your fingers to gently rub beneath your eyes, and apply the residual “magic” oil to the suction cups before mounting.  It works!

For optimal performance, push the individual cups firmly against the window to “burp” them, removing any internal air every few weeks to make sure air hasn’t infiltrated the cup.

For colder weather, our supplier of our Performance Ring® suction cups say they should hold to minus 20 Fahrenheit!

Tip: Our supplier recommends placing the suction cups on your window above 40 degrees for optimal results in cold weather. If there is an issue with holding on your window in cold weather, we recommend to wash the cups in warm water and dry them completely to regain their pliability.


Tip:  The higher you place the feeder on your window, the more squirrel-proof it is! They are amazing athletes, so we recommend a height of at least 4 to 5 feet off the ground. Check to make sure there aren’t any launch pads nearby that a squirrel can climb and leap from to reach your window bird feeder. 

TRICK: If squirrels are still a problem we recommend trying Safflower Seed or “Hot Pepper Seed”.  Squirrels don’t like it, but it doesn’t appear to bother the birds. 

hands pouring out water in window bird feeder
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Tip: For your birds’ optimal health, we recommend refreshing the water daily or every other day at least. If you still have seed/feed in the middle compartments, place your hands over the top of the seed, then tilt the tray forward to pour the water out while keeping the seed in place. We’ve angled the rear of the tray specifically to facilitate easy water changes. 

recommended feed for window bird feeder

Trick: From there, depending on how much of your seed is still fresh, you can either add to or discard the remaining seed. Or, as a third option, you can find a place for the rummaged seed further out from your window to attract more birds, so long as shell debris is not an issue. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling any bird feeder.

Seed recommendations will depend on which birds you want to attract to your window bird feeder. Below are the most common feeding offerings available:

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  • Safflower: Small, white seed that is high in protein and fat. Attracts Cardinals, Chickadees, Grosbeaks, Doves, and Sparrows.

  • Sunflower (black oil and striped): A favorite of almost all seed-eating birds. (Waste-free, unshelled versions are available to reduce seed husk cleanup)

  • Millet: A small, round seed that is a favorite of ground-feeding birds. Don’t use this if you don’t want House Sparrows or Cowbirds. They love it!

  • Mealworms attract insect-loving birds like Bluebirds (One of our favorites!), Wrens, Cardinals, Titmice, Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Warblers, etc.  It is a little more expensive but worth it!  Live or dried mealworm options are available.  The birds love live mealworms best!  But dried mealworms are easier to manage.

  • Nyjer (thistle): Finches, Goldfinches, Buntings, Pine siskins, and Redpolls (typically found in Finch Socks).

  • Cracked Corn: Pheasants, Grouse, Turkey, Quail – beware, this may attract unwanted guests like squirrels, raccoons, and even bears (depending on your location).

  • Nuts/Peanuts: A great source of protein and fat.  A favorite among Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Doves, Nuthatches, and Titmice, but may also attract unwanted guests including deer.

  • Dried fruit (like cranberries, cherries, raisins, apples): Cardinals, Chickadees, Titmice, Grosbeaks, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Finches, Jays.

Tip: “Waste Free” or “Husk Free” birdseed is a potential choice if you place your window bird feeder in a high-traffic area, patio, or deck. Waste free seed includes seed hearts without the shells/husks, which reduces shell debris. Although a little more expensive, it may be a good alternative to consider depending on your feeder location.


Tip: For premium seed choices, Wild Birds Unlimited has a good selection of seed/feed to choose from if you have a local store nearby.  They have a membership plan available for regular discounts.  We like their “Supreme Blend” with black oil sunflower, sunflower chips, safflower, and striped sunflower seeds.


Coles also provides some good premium selections.  We like their “Special Feeder” blend that also includes nuts to attract a wider variety of birds.

Neither option above contains millet or cracked corn (often included with cheaper box store chain seed).  We found these recommendations attract a good selection of songbirds without attracting unwanted guests.  But whatever works best for your clientele and your budget is great!


TIP: To attract the widest variety of birds more quickly, we suggest using premium seed on one side/compartment and dried mealworms on the other. Or you can buy a second window bird feeder and have one stocked with each.  This may also make sense if your traffic grows and to reduce the potential of “bully birds” to dominate a single feeder.

TIP: To attract birds to your window bird feeder faster (if you are able), you can “chum” the birds by placing small amounts of seed or feed in obvious places both nearby and further out from your window. This will help initially attract birds to your area as they locate your feeder. Place a small pile on a nearby post, ledge, or table on your deck or balcony, or further out in your yard on an appropriate solid surface.

TRICK: If you have other feeders in your yard, use them to attract birds to your window bird feeder by putting your “premium” seed in the window bird feeder to encourage them to approach. You can use a layering technique to attract shyer birds that may tend to stay further away from your window, and as they discover the additional food and water sources available to them, they will gradually become more comfortable and come closer.


Tip: We highly recommend not using pesticides near your window bird feeder or in your yard at all if possible.  It is especially dangerous to insect loving birds and their babies and fledglings that are super sensitive to these chemicals.  As birds find your available food and water sources, they provide a great service of reducing insects in your area naturally!

Tip: We highly recommend you use anti-bird strike decals on your windows (especially if they are large) to help birds locate them more easily. Because of demand, we are now offering anti-strike window decals on our Shop page.

Here’s a link to an informative article for more information and alternatives to prevent window strikes.



If you have other questions, see our FAQ tab and/or feel free to contact us directly at


Please remember to regularly clean and maintain your window bird feeder to provide the safest feeding environment available! 


Replace the water at least every other day.  Sanitize the interlocking removable tray in your dishwasher (top rack by itself) every two weeks or so and the frame every other cycle, or use the traditional bleach disinfection method by soaking at least 10 minutes in a 9-1 water to bleach solution.  See the Cleaning Tips tab for more information.


Thanks for your support in joining our cause!  Your birds can’t thank you, but we can!

Together we can make a difference one feeder at a time.

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